Quick Start

Calling API

If you want to search and download papers from arxiv and google scholar, you can write codes as follow:

from paperdl import paperdl

config = {'logfilepath': 'paperdl.log', 'savedir': 'papers', 'search_size_per_source': 5, 'proxies': {}}
target_srcs = ['arxiv', 'googlescholar']
client = paperdl.Paperdl(config=config)

In addition, if you can not visit google, you can set config as follow:

config = {'logfilepath': 'paperdl.log', 'savedir': 'papers', 'search_size_per_source': 5, 'proxies': {}, 'area': 'CN'}

You can also only download papers by using sci-hub as follow:

from paperdl import paperdl

config = {'logfilepath': 'paperdl.log', 'savedir': 'papers', 'search_size_per_source': 5, 'proxies': {}}
client = paperdl.SciHub(config=config, logger_handle=paperdl.Logger('paper.log'))
paperinfo = {
    'savename': '9193963',
    'ext': 'pdf',
    'savedir': 'outputs',
    'input': 'https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9193963/',
    'source': 'scihub',

Here is a screenshot:

Calling EXE

You can directly leverage paperdl in the terminal, and the usage is as follow:

Usage: paperdl [OPTIONS]

  --version               Show the version and exit.
  -m, --mode TEXT         the used mode, support "search" and "download"
  -i, --inp TEXT          the paper to download, the supported format is the
                          same as sci-hub
  -s, --source TEXT       the used source, support "arxiv", "scihub" and
                          "googlescholar", you can use "," to split multi
  -d, --savedir TEXT      the directory for saving papers
  -l, --logfilepath TEXT  the logging filepath
  -z, --size INTEGER      search size per source
  -p, --proxies TEXT      the proxies to be adopted
  -a, --area TEXT         your area, support "CN" and "EN"
  -c, --cookie TEXT       the cookie copied from the target website, only used
                          in "baiduwenku"
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Here is an example:

paperdl -i https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7485869/ -m download